Ideas, Possible distant future return?

I have come to the consensus that I am underestimating my ability, and I have decided to start planning for a possible return of Byzantia. I have thought of some well justified ideas that might just work. As you all may know that I am now in Alteria, which, I am very happy being a member of. So, under certain circumstances. We could one day see the return of the protectors of Graal, the Byzantian Empire. Now, that doesn’t mean that tomorrow we will be up and running. By distant future, I mean that. This could take MONTHS to complete, if I decide to do such. Alteria is my home, and we will only start if something happens to them. The most likely outcome of this is I will join Elysia in Delteria, or recreate Byzantia, only if Elysia does not work out.

The Fall of Byzantia

    Alright, the title is true, I simply can’t lead on a scale like this, Uniforms, planning, GFX. Its insane, and the matter of the fact is that, well, when school is back in session in one week time. I actually wont be able to lead. Ive been stressed out far to much to the point that i’m losing sleep over a game. Iv’e put so many hours into Byzantia the last few days. And on top of all this our downfall won’t be myself leaving, its the fact that everyone is fighting that led me to this. I really had no idea what I was getting myself into when I started Byzantia 2 days ago. But I bit off a little more than I could chew. I made a ton of new friends and kept the old ones, Taze, Coffee, Helen, Irish. I couldn’t have done this without you guys. But as of now, I can’t be stressed out more than I am now. Byzantia is also drawing almost no interest from our own members and the people of graal. It’s bittersweet. All of this, this opportunity, this experience in the small time Byzantia existed, its been absolutely a thrill. Iv’e learned a thing or two about leading. I don’t know where we’ll go from here, Iv’e gathered a couple offers from very good friends of mine to help them out with an empire of their own, their separate, but if Byzantia wants to merge with either one of them, im up for it. Once again, thanks to everyone that helped me with this, I know it seems to early to give up, but like I said, I can’t keep living like this, ill say it, its to much work, that causes to much stress. Once again, thanks to everyone…


With the recent occurrences of people deciding to go “Off Tag” I have deemed it necessary to discuss why this is not acceptable, and, how and why it will result in a discharge. Byzantia’s goal is to make a military the not only protects graalians, but to protect our very own family, which is Byzantia itself. Basically, we wanted to have the military concept, and become great friends and act as a family, to watch each others backs. The fact that people are going off tag prevent all of this. Yesterday my officers and I had to kick 9 members. NINE, because of off tagging. Off tagging is not acceptable, and it has seriously downgraded our stance in the land of graal. Therefore, until we can get our act together, and find 20-25 people who really want to help Byzantia, the expansion project will be seriously toned down. The results are indeed in, and when we get 20 members (rallies and rapid recruitment will take place today, March 24, 2014) And only when we get 20 members, is when we will make our first expansion guild. The Town of _____ (see poll down below for names)

War Against the Black Knights

Today, March 24, 2014 has marked the first battle of the War Against the Black Knights. This war has been brung about from the complete betrayal of Xeno and his men against the Embassy, made up of high officers of the State and Byzantia. The Order and its allies are to be attacked on sight, and to not be recruited, this includes The Red Order, Golden Eagles and The Order of the Black Knights. Long Live the Embassy and Byzantia.

The Creation

I, Guard Captain Grizz Atlas of the Byzantian Empire, hereby announce that the first branch “The Byzantian Guard” has been created. The Byzantian Guard are the protectors of not only Byzantia, but all of Graal. The groups that make up the guard are as follows…


The archers are the bow masters of the battlefield, they act as the front line in battle. They are led by and take orders from the “Head Archer”


The cavalry are the horsemen used in battle, their skirmishers, they roam freely looking for enemies to eliminate. Currently, they are led by and take orders from Cavalry Captain Taze.


Need something blown up? The Pyromasters are here to help, the Pyromasters listen to Pyro Captain Coffee, the Pyromasters are known for their unorthodox battle strategy.


Swordsmen are standard issue soldiers and are new recruits, they only take orders from the heads of other groups, as they have no group leader of their own.

That wraps up the on battlefield ranks, there are other essential roles that need to be done outside of the battlefield, such as RECRUITING and TRAINING.